Credit card math, at least for the banks, is simple. They make a small percentage of the transaction every time you use the card, so they’ll do what they can to keep their cards at the top of your wallet. In many case, they’ll give the best bonuses on “everyday spend,” such as gas, supermarkets or other purchases that you make frequently, simply so that you get accustomed to reaching for their particular card.
A Super Supermarket Bonus (and a Decent Gas Bonus)
If you just want an easy-to-earn 2% on every transaction, the simple solution is the Citi Double Cash card. There are no special categories, no days of the week bonuses, just straight cash on every purchase. But if you are willing to play around a bit, there’s the American Express Blue Cash Preferred Card.
This card offers the best bonuses that I’ve seen in a number of categories, including supermarkets, gas stations and department stores (The list of eligible stores can be found here.). You’ll max out with $360 in cash back at supermarkets but still have a great bonus on gas and department stores, as 3% is high for those two categories. The card does have a $75 annual fee, but the cash back bonus offsets that fee for two years. And even if you “net out” the annual fee against that $360 from supermarkets, you’re still getting back almost 5%.
Bottom line: If you’re willing to play a little credit card musical chairs, the Blue Cash Preferred Card, found through the “cash back” banner toward the bottom of this page, is about as good as they come for everyday spending.
Note: This post may contain credit card affiliate links. All credit card proceeds are donated to charity.
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